Explore How to do Self Placement 2024 on School Placement Portal
Dear students and parents, in this article we will explore you through how to do self placement 2024 on school placement portal.
Following the release of the 2024 school placement for BECE graduates, the management of the Ghana Education Service (GES) has opened the self placement portal for all students who were not automatically placed to access the portal to chose their own school of choice.
How to Check 2024 School Placement for Free – GES Releases School Placement
About GES Self-Placement Module
The GES Self Placement Module is a platform that allows students who were not placed by the Computerized School Selection and Placement System to access the Website and go through a process to chose a school.
Also once a student rejects the recommended school, he/she can select a school of their choice from the Self-Placement platform.
How to do Self Placement 2024 on School Placement Portal – Steps
Here are the steps to follow to successfully complete the access and complete the 2024 self placement as a student.
1. Visit the self placement portal at https://www.cssps.gov.gh
or https://www.cssps.org
2. Select region, residential preference,
school, and program
3. Submit and print the form
4. Visit the chosen school to begin admission
NOTE : Students are to note that the schools can be changed multiple times on the portal until enrollment.
How to Check GES 2024 School Placement
1. Log on to the site https://www.cssps.gov.gh
or https://www.cssps.org
2. Enter your 10-digit index number and
year of completion (e.g., 123456789024)
3. Submit and view your results
4. Print your enrolment form, placement
slip, and prospectus.
List of School With Vacancies for Self Placement
Here is the list of available senior high schools with vacancies to accept students doing self placement.
To check the list of available senior high schools available for Self Placement, kindly follow the steps before.
1. Click on this link to access the Self-Placement portal.
2. Enter your index number
3. Navigate to check through the available schools.
GES School Placement 2024 Statistics
Here is the statistical breakdown of GES school placement for the year 2024.
From the management of Ghana Education Service (GES), out of the 563,339 results received from WAEC, 553,155 candidates
qualified to be placed.
A total of 447,698 (80.93%) qualified
candidates have automatically been
placed in one of their choices.
However, 104,918 qualified candidates could not be matched to any of their choices. Out of this number, 73,390 (13.27%) qualified candidates have been placed in schools similar to those they selected, and such students are at liberty to accept or reject the offer.
Conclusion On GES Self Placement
In this article, we have guided you on how to do self placement on the self placement module portal. Also we talked about the steps to follow to be able to check GES 2024 school placemen.
Here are some frequently asked questions (FAQs) regarding GES school placement, along with concise answers:
FAQs on GES School Placement
1. What is the GES school placement process?
The GES school placement process assigns students to junior and senior high schools based on their Basic Education Certificate Examination (BECE) results, preferences, and available spaces.
2. How are schools selected during the placement?
Students typically select schools based on their performance in the BECE and their preferences, which are considered alongside available vacancies in the schools.
3. When is the school placement usually conducted?
The GES school placement usually takes place shortly after the release of BECE results, typically in August or September.
4. Can students change their school placement?
Yes, once a student rejects the recommended school, he/she can select a school of their choice from the Self-Placement platform.
5. What criteria are used for school placement?
The main criteria include BECE scores, school preferences, and the capacity of schools to accommodate new students.
7. What should I do if I do not get my preferred school?
If you do not receive your preferred placement, you can the self placement portal to change the school.
8. Are there any fees associated with the placement process?
The placement process is generally free; however, schools may have their own fees for enrollment and other activities.
Source: quarmsmedia.com