Latest – KNUST Re-opening Date for 2024/2025 Academic Year – Check

By | December 30, 2024

KNUST Re-opening Date for 2024/2025 Academic Year

Here is the latest update concerning KNUST re-opening date for 2024/2025 academic year for both freshers and continuing students.

In this comprehensive article, we will explore your to all you need to know pertaining to the KNUST re-opening date for 2024/2025 academic year.

The management of Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and technology KNUST has officially announced the KNUST re-opening date for 2024/2025 for both fresh and continuing students for the 2024/2025 academic year. This comes following an emergency meeting by the executive committee of the university held on 24th December, 2024.

CHECK || KNUST 2024/2025 Admission Cut-off Points, C6, C5 and C6 all Counted as 4

KNUST Re-opening Date for 2024/2025 Academic Year

Here is the agreed dates of KNUST re-opening dates for 2024/2025 academic.

1. A new re-opening date for prospective first year undergraduate Ghanaian students
will be announced after the release of the 2024 West African Senior School
Certificate Examination (WASSCE) results.

2. International students who have been offered admission for the 2024/2025
academic year will report on the 4th of  January 2025 as scheduled.

3. All first-year Postgraduate students shall report on the 4th of January 2025 as

4. All Continuing students (Undergraduate and Postgraduate) shall report on the 15th
of January 2025, as scheduled.

Has KNUST Admission Portal is Opened?

The KNUST admission portal remains active though the deadline for the ose of admission for the 2024/2025 academic year is passed.

The management of KNUST extended the admission deadline for the 2024/2025 academic year to 19th December, 2024. The extension of the admission deadline was necessary to allow Senior High School graduates waiting for the WASSCE results to apply.

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What is the Vost of KNUST admission forms?

The cost of KNUST admission forms for the 2024/2025 academic year is as follows;

1. Ghanaian applicants – Two Hundred and Twenty Ghana Cedis (GHC 220.00)

2. Foreign Applicants  –  USD 150.00

Where to Buy KNUST Admission Forms 

Below is the list of designated venues to buy the KNUST admission forms for the 2024/2025 academic year.

  • GCB
  • Zenith Bank
  • Republic Bank
  • Agricultural Development Bank
  • Consolidated Bank Ghana

Also applicants can buy the KNUST admission forms on their mobile phones by using a short code.

To Buy KNUST admission forms by using Mobile Money,  Dail *447*160# on your mobile money network. Follow the prompts and make payment to receive your admission E-Voucher.


KNUST Admission 2024/2025; Forms, Deadline, Requirements ,Portal

UEW Opens Admissions for 2024/2025 Academic Year – Apply Here

UEW Sandwich Undergraduate Admission Forms 2024/2025- Apply Now

Does KNUST Accept D7?

KNUST does not accept applicants with grade D7. According to the academic board of the university, admissions are given to only applicants who meet the admission entry requirements. The university gives admission to only applicants who had credit passes in six subjects (A1-C6).

KNUST Admission Cut-off Points 2024/2025

The management of KNUST has officially released the Cut-off points 2024/2025 admission year.

Due to limited resources available, the University determines and approves quota for every programme and selects candidates to fill the spaces based on their aggregate.

This means candidates must compete for the available space based on examination scores.

The minimum aggregate used to select candidates for a programme of study, within the minimum entry requirements of aggregate 24, is the KNUST Cut-off Points or Aggregate.

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The Cut-off Points 2024/2025 is not predetermined. It may vary from year to year, based on the pass rate and the available space/resources for a programme.

The KNUST Cut-off Points 2024/225 for programmes for the previous academic year’s admissions are published.


To check for KNUST admission requirements, admission list and admission status, kindly click HERE

KNUST Re-opening Date for 2024/2025 Academic Year


The above information is the official release by management of KNUST pertaining to the re-opening date for 2024/2025 academic year. Stay informed for more updates.







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